Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Entry numero uno

So this is the first post in my blog. It was made for my Digital Media class.
Photography has always captivated me, although its mainly pertained to landscapes or animals as subjects. I hope that through this class I can break from that and capture other subjects as well. This image is one of my self portraits. I placed reflective sunglasses on my desk with some objects((including mugs I handmade)). I am very pleased with the outcome of this picture.


  1. Hey!
    I believe I saw you in library when we were both working on our projects!!
    I love your picture! It shows how you are studious, but at the same time...own refective sunglasses! :P
    Love the picture
    keep it up!

  2. I really like this picture. A lot of people play with the idea of taking pictures in reflections, but I really like how you layered your own art into the reflection with you- that was a great idea. Anyway, super cool picture :)
